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American Family

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“American Family"
Airing time; Sunday 7:00pm
Status; pre-production planning
Category; variety
Production company; American Family 2006 Productions
Running time; 60 minutes
**3 hour Christmas & New Years' Specials

S. Covey
J. Curtis
D, Buck
K. Dolan
M. Besler

~show synopsis~
Driven by Stephen Covey the author of "7 Habits for Highly Effective Families" amongst other top selling business books.
This is a weekly show for the whole family to watch. It's intended as a "check-in" to help families focus their time and efforts on what is important in their lives, and how they intend to spend their time in the coming week. Tips on how to save money, home safety, fast and effective exercise routines for the week, quick finances, family activities, quick but delicious recipes, and yes the occasional preachy lesson on being an effective family. Have pen and paper in hand, this show is a must see for the whole family.


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