

50 Most Embarrassing Moments in
It’s hard enough being a wrestling fan most
of the time, even when the science of the squared circle is performed at its most beautiful level by men such as Lou Thesz,
Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, etc. But wrestling has above all else been about one thing; making money. Sometimes however
the angles, gimmicks, and accidents that occur that either expose the business or humiliate the traditional fans are just
too much to take. Below is my subjective list of 100 of wrestling’s most embarrassing moments.
- David Arquette winning the WCW World title.
- The Triple H – Katie Vick necrophilia angle.
- Jay Leno’s wrestling appearance. Guest stars have always been suspect but Leno wasn’t
even an athlete like Karl Malone or Dennis Rodman, and made very little effort in his match.
- Triple H drugging and marrying Stephanie McMahon.
- The Goobley Gooker.
- Judy Bagwell’s involvement in WCW angles.
- Mae Young giving birth to a hand.
- The Big Show’s father dying of cancer angle, with the coffin being stolen and the Big Show bodysurfing on it
to try and stop it.
- The Billy and Chuck Wedding.
- Terri’s miscarriage angle.
- During the 9/11 tribute show done by the WWE, Stephanie McMahon compares the tragedy to her father’s ordeal with
the steroid scandal.
- The Four Horsemen running away from RoboCop. A fictional movie character comes to life in wrestling.
- CWF angle. Freebirds’ Buddy Roberts calls Mike Graham a “loser just like your Dad” to further a feud,
this just days after Mike’s father and wrestling legend Eddie Graham committed suicide.
- Introduction of a gun into the SCSA-Pillman feud, when Austin goes to the home of Pillman to attack him.
- SCSA suffers a neck injury at the hands of Owen Hart, and then Hart has to carry SCSA to a finish which he pretty much
lets SCSA pin him.
- XPW – Rob Black, porn stars, chopping off thumbs…
- Scotty2Hotty’s move “The Worm”
- Lex Luger’s involvement in Liz’s death, and the playing of the 911 call on Confidential.
- Adorable Adrian Adonis – what a fall from grace.
- The Giant throwing Hulk Hogan off the top of a building.
- Hulk Hogan v The Giant in a monster truck battle.
- Legion of Doom and Paul Ellering bringing in the doll Rocco.
- Alcoholic Hawk and his push from the Titan Tron.
- Jerry Lawler’s fascination with booking “monsters” in Memphis.
- Rick Steiner getting challenged to a match by Chucky the doll.
- Jeff Jarrett’s women beater angle in his feud with Chyna.
- Fall from grace of the former #1 searched for girl on the internet, Sunny.
- The Mark Henry incest angle.
- Vince McMahon making money off the Sgt. Slaughter Iraq
traitor angle.
- Giant Gonzalez and his fur outfit, and total lack of talent.
- Sid/Vader/Bulldog mini movie where they blow up the boat.
- White Castle of Doom.
- Mick Foley/Cactus Jack amnesia angle, found spending time in a trailer park.
- Rottweilers used in a WWF gimmick match, supposed to attack Big Bossman but fight each other instead.
- Herb Abrahms promotions and PPV’s including Bodyguards & Bandits.
- GLOW – the entire promotion, especially the skits.
- Steve Austin taking a leak on Arn Anderson.
- Greg Gagne as “Rambo”.
- Ministry angle where Undertaker cuts his wrist and has Mideon drink the blood.
- HLA – Hot Lesbian Action – stupid.
- The Kane/Lita/Snitsky/Hardy angle , pregnancy, who’s the father? Miscarriage….
- Jerry Lawler pulling off Mad Dog Vachon’s prosthetic leg, without having asked him beforehand about the angle.
- Jerry Lawler’s commentary on RAW.
- Hulk Hogan v Kevin Nash – finger poke of doom.
- The New Blood – Millionaire’s club , a terribly stupid, unoriginal, and messy angle.
- Heroes of Wrestling PPV, especially the performance of Jake Roberts.
- Larry Zbyszko’s comments regarding Louis Spicolli’s death.
- A TNA midget whacking off into a trash can.
- Iron Shiek & Hacksaw Duggan getting arrested together for possession of drugs, while traveling to a match where
they were to fight each other.
- Ultimate Warrior puking in the Papa Shango angle.

